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4 Simple Steps to Marketing Your Photography

Writer's picture: karynnbloomkarynnbloom

In Energetic Creation, your Sentences are the 70,000 thoughts running through your mind everyday. Those sentences each carry an electrical charge. Every single electrical charge in your brain converts to an emotion. Think about it. when you experience anxiety, where do you feel it in your body? Close your eyes and imagine what anxiety feels like. Most of us are experiencing it right now anyway, right? I am! It's an emotion in your body and it's vibrating through your chest or your throat - it may feel tight, hot, buzzing. For me, it overtakes my forehead with a literal vibration, tightens my chest right in the sternum, sinks down into my gut, and numbs my fingertips. It didn't start there, though. I first had a sentence run through my mind. I am writing this blog post, and every single time I write, I think about all of the other things I need to be doing. I need to take a shower. I'm supposed to be working on taxes. I have to leave in two hours to pick up my daughter and I hope my alarm goes off. Did my husband just call? I check my phone...nope. Someone texted me. I'm on a lunch break and I want to make sure I don't miss anything, even though I've dedicated this time to focusing on writing, I'm still thinking about no less than 120 other things that are possibly going on. I wish my 4 year old grandson would text me back from his iPad. I wonder why he doesn't. I miss my grandkids so much I can't wait to see them on Sunday.

Now I have tears in my eyes and a whole new emotion has converted from that sentence. Self-pity. Guilt. Both emotions from two different Sentences in my brain. Each Sentence in your brain is going to convert to a single Emotion. Every. Single. One.

70,000+ Sentences a day = 70,000+ Emotions a day.

We are an emotional species!

But what do we DO with our emotions? Are you truly emoting?! Are you feeling your feelings or are you shoving them down, saving them for later, suppressing them and scrolling, eating, swallowing something, or any number of numbing we do as humans to not feel?

The more we resist the emotions we don't want to feel, the more we deny the emotions we wish we could feel.

We spend all day; all night; all weekend searching for a dopamine hit...which is basically what we call happiness. And we reallllllly want it to last. But then at the slightest hint of sorrow, doubt, boredom, insult, or whatever we feel that we wish we didn't feel, we shut it all down with our favorite coping device. And it's usually exactly that...a device.

So we scroll, scroll, scroll as a distraction from what we don't want to feel, and then, we feel....terrible.

Here's the thing. You think your emotions are coming from outside of you. You think that you have never done what you really want to do, and that's why you feel that doubt. Maybe you've never started this kind of business before. Or maybe you are just creating the kind of art you want for the first time. Or maybe you are trying a new marketing strategy. The doubt creeps in and you think it's because you are new, or you've failed before. But that isn't why you are having doubt. Where do our Emotions come from again? They come from our Sentences! They are conversions of electrical charges in our brains.

Picture a light bulb. When a flip gets switched, an electrical charge goes through the light bulb and converts an electrical charge to light and some heat.

Your Sentences are the electrical charge. Your Emotions are the light/heat. The light bulb/filament is your body. The switch is everything outside of you. Anyone can control it. It can be other people or automatic outside conditions. Just like your central nervous system - it is automatic. Outside of your control. Fight, flight, freeze, fawn. You can have a thought/Sentence about it, but it's out of your direct control. Everything outside of our circle (light bulb) is a Condition, a Circumstance, or a Central Nervous System Response and we don't decide anything about it. We control everything inside of our circle. Our Sentences, Emotions, Action, Results, Canvassing, and Harvesting.

BUT - caveat here - we can only decide these once we are Aware of them. And we can only be aware of them when we practice what's called Metacognition. Metacognition is, in simple terms, the ability to watch or observe one's own thoughts.

How do we do this? By doing what I did in the third paragraph, Writing our Sentences down. When we write down every thought that is going through our mind, we can observe them as if we are watching ourselves think. We become the watcher of our own brain...our own thoughts...and it takes us from what I call the Default Phase of Energetic Creation, where we are thinking practiced thoughts we've been thinking for decades (usually conditioned thoughts and beliefs) to the Awareness Phase of Energetic Creation.

This is the first massive step toward creating what we want when we want it. When we move from Default to Awareness, we suddenly experience Enlightenment. We see things in a way we haven't been able to see before.

There are two aspects to the Awareness Phase that are very important to note.

1. We usually spend the most time in Awareness once we leave the Default Phase because it involves some cognitive dissonance (when beliefs we hold encounter new information that we know could be true, but there is contradiction and we have a hard time holding both beliefs)

2. It is critical that we learn what holding space is, and then hold space for ourselves and others while we are in the Awareness Phase with new thoughts, beliefs, and actions, which involves a lot of compassion, releasing judgment, failing, and forgiveness - all for ourselves, ultimately resulting in unconditional love for ourselves and learning to offer love to every aspect of ourselves, past, present and future.

In the Awareness Phase, we practice neuroplasticity.

Neuroplasticity is how our brain forms new beliefs and learns new things, develops new skillsets, and expands our capacity. 

By setting a Destination - a specific, tangible, easy, measurable desired outcome, and then repeat the same Sentence, Emotion, Actions, Canvassing, or Harvesting over and over, paying attention to nuance and caveats, having an organized process, a remedy, an order of operations, and with a desired destination in mind, we are not just destined, but we create the exact energetic pathway to that desired outcome. 

Neuroplasticity is the brain’s unlimited ability to expand. It takes us from the Awareness Phase to the Expansion phase.

So what are the 4 Marketing tips? 


  1. DESIRE - Understand and dig into what your client’s deepest desire is. How do you find it? Uncover their biggest problems. If you can solve their problems, you know what their desires are. 

  2. REMEDY - What is your remedy to solve that problem? Pick ONE problem and create a solution to solve it. Write and write and write and write, and then trim it down to no more than 3 sentences. In 3 sentences or less, solve their problem. 

  3. OPERATION - What is your specific operation that will get them from where they are to where they want to be? They have a problem, they want to get to their Desired Destination - how will you get them there? Start at the end destination and go backwards. Write out step-by-step end-to-beginning how you’ll do it. This is your Operation. This is the vehicle that you will use - you don’t use this in your marketing, you show it to them later when they’ve already bought.

  4. PROMISE - The dream destination! The shiny thing they want to buy! The SuperBowl Ad. The exact promise you will deliver - you don’t necessarily go with them along the way - you’re not necessarily there with them, but they are emotional; they are in love; they are overjoyed that this is what they get and they will soak in the dreaminess of what they get at the destination! This is what you SHOW. This is why they buy.

When you can get into the mind of your client - when you can see why they want what you can give; why their people are so important to them; why their portrait box; their framed gallery wall; their done-for-you canvas collection is the destination and it’s NOT the location it’s NOT the background it’s NOT the hours you spend editing it’s NOT the cute caption you mention about how much fun you had on the shoot…when you can truly understand why they want portraits, you will have a client for life.



Because they only get the whole family together once a year! Do you know what that feels like to parents who had all of their children under one roof for 20 years and suddenly…don’t?

Because the braces will come off!

Because the scent of a newborn will fade in just 10 days!

Because there will be many firsts, but never another first birthday!

Because freshman year turned into Senior year in three blinks!

Because the first car is more than just Instagrammable - it’s one for the staircase!

Use these. Create your own.

You are a creator, created by the Creator to create - the 1 in 8.1 Billion magic of YOU!

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